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Class com.oroinc.text.regex.StringSubstitution


public class StringSubstitution
extends Object
implements Substitution
StringSubstitution implements a Substitution consisting of a simple literal string. This class is intended for use with Util.substitute .

Copyright © 1997-1998 Original Reusable Objects, Inc. All rights reserved.

Daniel F. Savarese
See Also:
Substitution, Util, substitute, Substitution, Perl5Substitution

Constructor Index

 o StringSubstitution()
Default constructor initializing substitution to a zero length String.
 o StringSubstitution(String)
Creates a StringSubstitution representing the given string.

Method Index

 o appendSubstitution(StringBuffer, MatchResult, int, String, PatternMatcher, Pattern)
Appends the substitution to a buffer containing the original input with substitutions applied for the pattern matches found so far.
 o getSubstitution()
Returns the string substitution represented by this object.
 o setSubstitution(String)
Sets the substitution represented by this StringSubstitution.
 o toString()
Returns the same value as getSubstitution() .


 o StringSubstitution
 public StringSubstitution()
Default constructor initializing substitution to a zero length String.

 o StringSubstitution
 public StringSubstitution(String substitution)
Creates a StringSubstitution representing the given string.

substitution - The string to use as a substitution.


 o setSubstitution
 public void setSubstitution(String substitution)
Sets the substitution represented by this StringSubstitution. You should use this method in order to avoid repeatedly allocating new StringSubstitutions. It is recommended that you allocate a single StringSubstitution and reuse it by using this method when appropriate.

substitution - The string to use as a substitution.
 o getSubstitution
 public String getSubstitution()
Returns the string substitution represented by this object.

The string substitution represented by this object.
 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns the same value as getSubstitution() .

The string substitution represented by this object.
toString in class Object
 o appendSubstitution
 public void appendSubstitution(StringBuffer appendBuffer,
                                MatchResult match,
                                int substitutionCount,
                                String originalInput,
                                PatternMatcher matcher,
                                Pattern pattern)
Appends the substitution to a buffer containing the original input with substitutions applied for the pattern matches found so far. See Substitution.appendSubstitution for more details regarding the expected behavior of this method.

appendBuffer - The buffer containing the new string resulting from performing substitutions on the original input.
match - The current match causing a substitution to be made.
substitutionCount - The number of substitutions that have been performed so far by Util.substitute.
originalInput - The original input upon which the substitutions are being performed.
matcher - The PatternMatcher used to find the current match.
pattern - The Pattern used to find the current match.

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