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Class com.oroinc.text.perl.Perl5Util


public final class Perl5Util
extends Object
implements MatchResult
This is a utility class implementing the 3 most common Perl5 operations involving regular expressions: As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes.

The objective of the class is to minimize the amount of code a Java programmer using OROMatcherTM has to write to achieve the same results as Perl by transparently handling regular expression compilation, caching, and matching. A second objective is to use the same Perl pattern matching syntax to ease the task of Perl programmers transitioning to Java (this also reduces the number of parameters to a method). All the state affecting methods are synchronized to avoid the maintenance of explicit locks in multithreaded programs. This philosophy differs from the OROMatcherTM package, where you are expected to either maintain explicit locks, or more preferably create separate compiler and matcher instances for each thread.

To use this class, first create an instance using the default constructor or initialize the instance with a PatternCache of your choosing using the alternate constructor. The default cache used by Perl5Util is a PatternCacheLRU of capacity GenericPatternCache.DEFAULT_CAPACITY. You may want to create a cache with a different capacity, a different cache replacement policy, or even devise your own PatternCache p * implementation. The PatternCacheLRU is probably the best general purpose pattern cache, but your specific application may be better served by a different cache replacement policy. You should remember that you can front-load a cache with all the patterns you will be using before initializing a Perl5Util instance, or you can just let Perl5Util fill the cache as you use it.

You might use the class as follows:

 Perl5Util util = new Perl5Util();
 String line;
 DataInputStream input;
 PrintStream output;
 // Initialization of input and output omitted
 while((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
     // First find the line with the string we want to substitute because
     // it is cheaper than blindly substituting each line.
     if(util.match("/HREF=\"description1.html\"") {
        line = util.substitute("s/description1\\.html/about1.html/", line);

A couple of things to remember when using this class are that the match() methods have the same meaning as contains() in OROMatcherTM and =~ m/pattern/ in Perl. The methods are named match to more closely associate them with Perl and to differentiate them from matches() in OROMatcherTM. A further thing to keep in mind is that the MalformedPerl5PatternException class is derived from RuntimeException which means you DON'T have to catch it. The reasoning behind this is that you will detect your regular expression mistakes as you write and debug your program when a MalformedPerl5PatternException is thrown during a test run. However, we STRONGLY recommend that you ALWAYS catch MalformedPerl5PatternException whenever you deal with a DYNAMICALLY created pattern. Relying on a fatal MalformedPerl5PatternException being thrown to detect errors while debugging is only useful for dealing with static patterns, that is actual pregenerated strings present in your program. Patterns created from user input or some other dynamic method CANNOT be relied upon to be correct and MUST be handled by catching MalformedPerl5PatternException for your programs to be robust.

Finally, as a convenience Perl5Util implements the com.oroinc.text.regex.MatchResult interface found in the OROMatcherTM package. The methods are merely wrappers which call the corresponding method of the last MatchResult found (which can be accessed with getMatch() by a match or substitution (or even a split, but this isn't particularly useful).

Copyright © 1997 Original Resuable Objects, Inc. All rights reserved.

See Also:
MalformedPerl5PatternException, PatternCache, PatternCacheLRU, MatchResult

Variable Index

A constant passed to the split() methods indicating that all occurrences of a pattern should be used to split a string.

Constructor Index

 o Perl5Util()
Default constructor for Perl5Util.
 o Perl5Util(PatternCache)
A secondary constructor for Perl5Util.

Method Index

 o begin(int)
Returns the begin offset of the subgroup of the last match found relative the beginning of the match.
 o beginOffset(int)
Returns an offset marking the beginning of the last pattern match found relative to the beginning of the input from which the match was extracted.
 o end(int)
Returns the end offset of the subgroup of the last match found relative the beginning of the match.
 o endOffset(int)
Returns an offset marking the end of the last pattern match found relative to the beginning of the input from which the match was extracted.
 o getMatch()
Returns the last match found by a call to a match(), substitute(), or split() method.
 o group(int)
Returns the contents of the parenthesized subgroups of the last match found according to the behavior dictated by the MatchResult interface.
 o groups()
 o length()
Returns the length of the last match found.
 o match(String, char[])
Searches for the first pattern match somewhere in a character array taking a pattern specified in Perl5 native format:
The m prefix is optional and the meaning of the optional trailing options are:
case insensitive match
treat the input as consisting of multiple lines
treat the input as consisting of a single line
enable extended expression syntax incorporating whitespace and comments
As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes.
 o match(String, PatternMatcherInput)
Searches for the next pattern match somewhere in a com.oroinc.text.regex.PatternMatcherInput instance, taking a pattern specified in Perl5 native format:
The m prefix is optional and the meaning of the optional trailing options are:
case insensitive match
treat the input as consisting of multiple lines
treat the input as consisting of a single line
enable extended expression syntax incorporating whitespace and comments
As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes.
 o match(String, Perl5StreamInput)
Searches for the next pattern match somewhere in a com.oroinc.text.regex.Perl5StreamInput instance, taking a pattern specified in Perl5 native format:
The m prefix is optional and the meaning of the optional trailing options are:
case insensitive match
treat the input as consisting of multiple lines
treat the input as consisting of a single line
enable extended expression syntax incorporating whitespace and comments
As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes.
 o match(String, String)
Searches for the first pattern match in a String taking a pattern specified in Perl5 native format:
The m prefix is optional and the meaning of the optional trailing options are:
case insensitive match
treat the input as consisting of multiple lines
treat the input as consisting of a single line
enable extended expression syntax incorporating whitespace and comments
As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes.
 o postMatch()
Returns the part of the input following that last match found.
 o postMatchCharArray()
Returns the part of the input following that last match found as a char array.
 o preMatch()
Returns the part of the input preceding that last match found.
 o preMatchCharArray()
Returns the part of the input preceding that last match found as a char array.
 o split(String)
Splits input in the default Perl manner, splitting on all whitespace.
 o split(String, String)
This method is identical to calling:
 split(pattern, input, SPLIT_ALL);
 o split(String, String, int)
Splits a String into strings contained in a Vector of size no greater than a specified limit.
 o substitute(String, String)
Substitutes a pattern in a given input with a replacement string.
 o toString()
Returns the same as group(0).


 public static final int SPLIT_ALL
A constant passed to the split() methods indicating that all occurrences of a pattern should be used to split a string.


 o Perl5Util
 public Perl5Util(PatternCache cache)
A secondary constructor for Perl5Util. It initializes the Perl5Matcher used by the class to perform matching operations, but requires the programmer to provide a PatternCache instance for the class to use to compile and store regular expressions. You would want to use this constructor if you want to change the capacity or policy of the cache used. Example uses might be:
 // We know we're going to use close to 50 expressions a whole lot, so
 // we create a cache of the proper size.
 util = new Perl5Util(new PatternCacheLRU(50));
 // We're only going to use a few expressions and know that second-chance
 // fifo is best suited to the order in which we are using the patterns.
 util = new Perl5Util(new PatternCacheFIFO2(10));

 o Perl5Util
 public Perl5Util()
Default constructor for Perl5Util. This initializes the Perl5Matcher used by the class to perform matching operations and creates a default PatternCacheLRU instance to use to compile and cache regular expressions. The size of this cache is GenericPatternCache.DEFAULT_CAPACITY.


 o match
 public synchronized boolean match(String pattern,
                                   char input[]) throws MalformedPerl5PatternException
Searches for the first pattern match somewhere in a character array taking a pattern specified in Perl5 native format:
The m prefix is optional and the meaning of the optional trailing options are:
case insensitive match
treat the input as consisting of multiple lines
treat the input as consisting of a single line
enable extended expression syntax incorporating whitespace and comments
As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes.

If the input contains the pattern, the com.oroinc.text.regex.MatchResult can be obtained by calling getMatch() . However, Perl5Util implements the MatchResult interface as a wrapper around the last MatchResult found, so you can call its methods to access match information.

pattern - The pattern to search for.
input - The char[] input to search.
True if the input contains the pattern, false otherwise.
Throws: MalformedPerl5PatternException
If there is an error in the pattern. You are not forced to catch this exception because it is derived from RuntimeException.
 o match
 public synchronized boolean match(String pattern,
                                   String input) throws MalformedPerl5PatternException
Searches for the first pattern match in a String taking a pattern specified in Perl5 native format:
The m prefix is optional and the meaning of the optional trailing options are:
case insensitive match
treat the input as consisting of multiple lines
treat the input as consisting of a single line
enable extended expression syntax incorporating whitespace and comments
As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes.

If the input contains the pattern, the com.oroinc.text.regex.MatchResult can be obtained by calling getMatch() . However, Perl5Util implements the MatchResult interface as a wrapper around the last MatchResult found, so you can call its methods to access match information.

pattern - The pattern to search for.
input - The String input to search.
True if the input contains the pattern, false otherwise.
Throws: MalformedPerl5PatternException
If there is an error in the pattern. You are not forced to catch this exception because it is derived from RuntimeException.
 o match
 public synchronized boolean match(String pattern,
                                   PatternMatcherInput input) throws MalformedPerl5PatternException
Searches for the next pattern match somewhere in a com.oroinc.text.regex.PatternMatcherInput instance, taking a pattern specified in Perl5 native format:
The m prefix is optional and the meaning of the optional trailing options are:
case insensitive match
treat the input as consisting of multiple lines
treat the input as consisting of a single line
enable extended expression syntax incorporating whitespace and comments
As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes.

If the input contains the pattern, the com.oroinc.text.regex.MatchResult can be obtained by calling getMatch() . However, Perl5Util implements the MatchResult interface as a wrapper around the last MatchResult found, so you can call its methods to access match information. After the call to this method, the PatternMatcherInput current offset is advanced to the end of the match, so you can use it to repeatedly search for expressions in the entire input using a while loop as explained in the OROMatcherTM package.

pattern - The pattern to search for.
input - The PatternMatcherInput to search.
True if the input contains the pattern, false otherwise.
Throws: MalformedPerl5PatternException
If there is an error in the pattern. You are not forced to catch this exception because it is derived from RuntimeException.
 o match
 public synchronized boolean match(String pattern,
                                   Perl5StreamInput input) throws IOException, MalformedPerl5PatternException
Searches for the next pattern match somewhere in a com.oroinc.text.regex.Perl5StreamInput instance, taking a pattern specified in Perl5 native format:
The m prefix is optional and the meaning of the optional trailing options are:
case insensitive match
treat the input as consisting of multiple lines
treat the input as consisting of a single line
enable extended expression syntax incorporating whitespace and comments
As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes.

If the input contains the pattern, the com.oroinc.text.regex.MatchResult can be obtained by calling getMatch() . However, Perl5Util implements the MatchResult interface as a wrapper around the last MatchResult found, so you can call its methods to access match information. See the OROMatcherTM documentation for more details on Perl5StreamInput.

pattern - The pattern to search for.
input - The Perl5StreamInput to search.
True if the input contains the pattern, false otherwise.
Throws: MalformedPerl5PatternException
If there is an error in the pattern. You are not forced to catch this exception because it is derived from RuntimeException.
 o getMatch
 public synchronized MatchResult getMatch()
Returns the last match found by a call to a match(), substitute(), or split() method. This method is only intended for use to retrieve a match found by the last match found by a match() method. This method should be used when you want to save MatchResult instances. Otherwise, for simply accessing match information, it is more convenient to use the Perl5Util methods implementing the MatchResult interface.

The com.oroinc.text.regex.MatchResult instance containing the last match found.
 o substitute
 public synchronized String substitute(String expression,
                                       String input) throws MalformedPerl5PatternException
Substitutes a pattern in a given input with a replacement string. The substitution expression is specified in Perl5 native format:
The s prefix is mandatory and the meaning of the optional trailing options are:
Substitute all occurrences of pattern with replacement. The default is to replace only the first occurrence.
perform a case insensitive match
treat the input as consisting of multiple lines
If variable interopolation is used, only evaluate the interpolation once (the first time). This is equivalent to using a numInterpolations argument of 1 in the OROMatcherTM Util.substitute() method. The default is to compute each interpolation independently. See the OROMatcherTM Util.substitute() method for more details on variable interpolation in substitutions.
treat the input as consisting of a single line
enable extended expression syntax incorporating whitespace and comments
As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes. This is helpful to avoid backslashing. For example, using slashes you would have to do:
 result = util.substitute("s/foo\\/bar/goo\\/\\/baz/", input);
when you could more easily write:
 result = util.substitute("s#foo/bar#goo//baz#", input);
where the hashmarks are used instead of slashes.

There is a special case of backslashing that you need to pay attention to. As demonstrated above, to denote a delimiter in the substituted string it must be backslashed. However, this can be a problem when you want to denote a backslash at the end of the substituted string. For this special case, a double backslash can be used to express a single backslash. For example:

 result = util.substitute("s#/#\\\\#g", input);
This replaces all instances of a forward slash with a single backslash. However, the following will replace all instaces of /a with \\a rather than \a:
 result = util.substitute("s#/a#\\\\a#g", input);
To obitain \a as a a replacement you would use:
 result = util.substitute("s#/a#\\a#g", input);
In other words, a double backslash (quadrupled in the Java String) always represents two backslashes unless the second backslash is followed by the delimiter, in which case it represents a single backslash.

expression - The substitution expression.
input - The input.
The input after substitutions have been performed.
Throws: MalformedPerl5PatternException
If there is an error in the expression. You are not forced to catch this exception because it is derived from RuntimeException.
 o split
 public synchronized Vector split(String pattern,
                                  String input,
                                  int limit) throws MalformedPerl5PatternException
Splits a String into strings contained in a Vector of size no greater than a specified limit. The String is split using a regular expression as the delimiteraking. The regular expressions is a pattern specified in Perl5 native format:
The m prefix is optional and the meaning of the optional trailing options are:
case insensitive match
treat the input as consisting of multiple lines
treat the input as consisting of a single line
enable extended expression syntax incorporating whitespace and comments
As with Perl, any non-alphanumeric character can be used in lieu of the slashes.

The limit parameter causes the string to be split on at most the first limit - 1 number of pattern occurences.

Of special note is that this split method performs EXACTLY the same as the Perl split() function. In other words, if the split pattern contains parentheses, additional Vector elements are created from each of the matching subgroups in the pattern. Using an example similar to the one from the Camel book:

 split("/([,-])/", "8-12,15,18")
produces the Vector containing:
 { "8", "-", "12", ",", "15", ",", "18" }
The Util.split() method in the OROMatcherTM package does NOT implement this particular behavior because it is intended to be usable with Pattern instances other than Perl5Pattern.

pattern - The regular expression to use as a split delimiter.
input - The String to split.
limit - The limit on the size of the returned Vector. Values <= 0 produce the same behavior as the SPLIT_ALL constant which causes the limit to be ignored and splits to be performed on all occurrences of the pattern. You should use the SPLIT_ALL constant to achieve this behavior instead of relying on the default behavior associated with non-positive limit values.
A Vector containing the substrings of the input that occur between the regular expression delimiter occurences. The input will not be split into any more substrings than the specified limit. A way of thinking of this is that only the first limit - 1 matches of the delimiting regular expression will be used to split the input.
Throws: MalformedPerl5PatternException
If there is an error in the expression. You are not forced to catch this exception because it is derived from RuntimeException.
 o split
 public synchronized Vector split(String pattern,
                                  String input) throws MalformedPerl5PatternException
This method is identical to calling:
 split(pattern, input, SPLIT_ALL);

 o split
 public synchronized Vector split(String input) throws MalformedPerl5PatternException
Splits input in the default Perl manner, splitting on all whitespace. This method is identical to calling:
 split("/\\s+/", input);

 o length
 public synchronized int length()
Returns the length of the last match found.

The length of the last match found.
 o groups
 public synchronized int groups()
The number of groups contained in the last match found. This number includes the 0th group. In other words, the result refers to the number of parenthesized subgroups plus the entire match itself.
 o group
 public synchronized String group(int group)
Returns the contents of the parenthesized subgroups of the last match found according to the behavior dictated by the MatchResult interface.

group - The pattern subgroup to return.
A string containing the indicated pattern subgroup. Group 0 always refers to the entire match. If a group was never matched, it returns null. This is not to be confused with a group matching the null string, which will return a String of length 0.
 o begin
 public synchronized int begin(int group)
Returns the begin offset of the subgroup of the last match found relative the beginning of the match.

group - The pattern subgroup.
The offset into group 0 of the first token in the indicated pattern subgroup. If a group was never matched or does not exist, returns -1. Be aware that a group that matches the null string at the end of a match will have an offset equal to the length of the string, so you shouldn't blindly use the offset to index an array or String.
 o end
 public synchronized int end(int group)
Returns the end offset of the subgroup of the last match found relative the beginning of the match.

group - The pattern subgroup.
Returns one plus the offset into group 0 of the last token in the indicated pattern subgroup. If a group was never matched or does not exist, returns -1. A group matching the null string will return its start offset.
 o beginOffset
 public synchronized int beginOffset(int group)
Returns an offset marking the beginning of the last pattern match found relative to the beginning of the input from which the match was extracted.

group - The pattern subgroup.
The offset of the first token in the indicated pattern subgroup. If a group was never matched or does not exist, returns -1.
 o endOffset
 public synchronized int endOffset(int group)
Returns an offset marking the end of the last pattern match found relative to the beginning of the input from which the match was extracted.

group - The pattern subgroup.
Returns one plus the offset of the last token in the indicated pattern subgroup. If a group was never matched or does not exist, returns -1. A group matching the null string will return its start offset.
 o toString
 public synchronized String toString()
Returns the same as group(0).

A string containing the entire match.
toString in class Object
 o preMatch
 public synchronized String preMatch()
Returns the part of the input preceding that last match found. This method has no meaning for matches found on Perl5StreamInput forms of input. It will always return a zero length string when used to reference such a form of input.

The part of the input following the last match found.
 o postMatch
 public synchronized String postMatch()
Returns the part of the input following that last match found. This method has no meaning for matches found on Perl5StreamInput forms of input. It will always return a zero length string when used to reference such a form of input.

The part of the input following the last match found.
 o preMatchCharArray
 public synchronized char[] preMatchCharArray()
Returns the part of the input preceding that last match found as a char array. This method has no meaning for matches found on Perl5StreamInput forms of input. It will always return null when used to reference such a form of input. This method eliminates the extra buffer copying caused by preMatch().toCharArray().

The part of the input following the last match found as a char[]. If the result is of zero length, returns null instead of a zero length array.
 o postMatchCharArray
 public synchronized char[] postMatchCharArray()
Returns the part of the input following that last match found as a char array. This method has no meaning for matches found on Perl5StreamInput forms of input. It will always return a zero length string when used to reference such a form of input. This method eliminates the extra buffer copying caused by preMatch().toCharArray().

The part of the input following the last match found as a char[]. If the result is of zero length, returns null instead of a zero length array.

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