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Class com.oroinc.text.MatchActionInfo


public final class MatchActionInfo
extends Object
This class is used to provide information regarding a match found by MatchActionProcessor to a MatchAction callback implementation.

Copyright © 1997 Original Resuable Objects, Inc. All rights reserved.

See Also:
MatchAction, MatchActionProcessor

Variable Index

 o charLine
The char[] representation of the matching line with the trailing newline truncated.
 o fields
A Vector of Strings containing the fields of the line that were separated out by the fieldSeparator.
 o fieldSeparator
The field separator used by the MatchActionProcessor.
 o input
The input stream passed to the MatchActionProcessor from which the matching line was read.
 o line
The String representation of the matching line with the trailing newline truncated.
 o lineNumber
The line number of the matching line
 o match
The first match found in the line of input.
 o matcher
The PatternMatcher used to find the match.
 o output
The output stream passed to the MatchActionProcessor.
 o pattern
The pattern found in the line of input.

Constructor Index

 o MatchActionInfo()


 o lineNumber
 public int lineNumber
The line number of the matching line

 o line
 public String line
The String representation of the matching line with the trailing newline truncated.

 o charLine
 public char charLine[]
The char[] representation of the matching line with the trailing newline truncated.

 o fieldSeparator
 public Pattern fieldSeparator
The field separator used by the MatchActionProcessor. This will be set to null by a MatchActionProcessor instance if no field separator was specified before match processing began.

 o fields
 public Vector fields
A Vector of Strings containing the fields of the line that were separated out by the fieldSeparator. If no field separator was specified, this variable will be set to null.

 o matcher
 public PatternMatcher matcher
The PatternMatcher used to find the match.

 o pattern
 public Pattern pattern
The pattern found in the line of input. If a MatchAction callback is registered with a null pattern (meaning the callback should be applied to every line of input), this value will be null.

 o match
 public MatchResult match
The first match found in the line of input. If a MatchAction callback is registered with a null pattern (meaning the callback should be applied to every line of input), this value will be null.

 o output
 public PrintWriter output
The output stream passed to the MatchActionProcessor.

 o input
 public BufferedReader input
The input stream passed to the MatchActionProcessor from which the matching line was read.


 o MatchActionInfo
 public MatchActionInfo()

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